100% Custom Web Site Design

At The Rusty Pixel our 100% custom web design package is perfect for any business seeking to establish a truly unique web presence of the highest quality. Everything is made from scratch specifically for you by our professional design team. Unlike most web development firms we actually start with a completely blank canvas and build your web site from the ground up – No templates here! At every step of your new web sites development you will be working directly with a professional web designer and web coder who is actually doing your work instead of someone with limited web design experience or worse yet, a sales or middleman relaying what you say and your requirements.

Scroll below to see examples of our past 100% web design work, contact us or request a web design quote.

100% Custom Web Examples

Check out some examples of our previous 100% custom web site design work.

Brevard County Sheriff Web Site WP Florida

Brevard County Sheriff’s Office

Lead by Sheriff Wayne Ivey and protecting Florida’s Space coast, The Brevard County Sheriff’s Office has been a client of ours since 2004. This 100% custom designed website features a Content Management System (CMS), WordPress blog, mobile-friendly responsive, animated image slider, email contact forms and an event calendar. Coding languages used are HTML5, CSS3, PHP and jQuery.

Visit Website: BrevardSheriff.com

Custom web design Prodigy Talent Training

Prodigy Talent Training

Located in Rockledge, FL and a client since 2015, Prodigy Talent Training offers acting, model development, production and improv training. This website was 100% custom design and built using WordPress. The web design features a Content Management System (CMS), mobile-friendly responsive and email contact forms. The coding languages used are HTML5, CSS3, PHP and jQuery.

Visit Website: ProdigyTalentTraining.com

Best web design company Star Log Cabins

Star Log Cabins

Located in Viroqua, Wisconsin and a client since 2008, Star Log Cabins is a 100% custom designed website. The website was built using WordPress and includes a Content Management System (CMS) and email form. Coding languages utilized are HTML5, CSS3, PHP and jQuery. They specialize in log cabins, sheds and kits.

Visit Website: StarLogCabins.com

Custom Web Design Company DHS

Davies, Houser & Secrest

Located right down the street in the historic Cocoa Village, Florida, DHS has been a client of ours since 2015. This 100% custom designed website features WordPress, CMS, email contact form and more. Davies, Houser & Secrest C.P.A., P.A. offers accounting, bookkeeping, payroll and tax services.

Visit Website: DaviesHouser.com

About Our 100% Custom Web Design Packages

All of our web design packages start with a one-on-one design and functionality consultation where we formulate a web development plan. We want to know not only what you envision your new website to look like but any required features, functionality, style preferences, project scope and critical deadlines before we begin.

After this will begin the design phase of development. Our professional design team will work closely with you and use the information you have provided us to build several static custom web design mockups. To ensure you are completely satisfied with your brand new web site our 100% custom web design package includes unlimited design revisions – Meaning we will keep working on your website design until you love it.

Next we will break down your approved web design and reconstruct it using the latest web coding languages and techniques. 100% custom web design means 100% custom web coding is needed so the core architecture that will run your site will also be built from the ground up. This has the added advantage of allowing us to inject SEO keywords in the your web sites structure from the very beginning leading to better organic search engine rankings.

Depending on your web site requirements we will next begin integrating a Content Management System (CMS), online e-commerce shopping cart or other web platforms that will be part of your new web site. If your new web site will be mobile-friendly responsive or have an animated carousels, email contact forms or other special features this is where they will be added.

With the design, structure and primary functionality in place we will now start adding your custom pages, products, text, images and other content you have provided us. Throughout this entire process, standard Search Engine Optimization (SEO) techniques needed to help to drive traffic and business to your web site will be applied at no additional cost.

Our 100% custom web design packages will definitely get you noticed and include everything you need to get online. You will be involved at every step of the development process working directly with web professionals that have been building web sites professionally for over 10 years now and always available via phone or email.

Get a Web Site Quote: 100% FREE and No Obligation

Web Design Features

Here is what is included with our 100% web design packages:

General Web Site Features

  • Lightbox animated picture gallery
  • Custom buttons in main navigation menu
  • Social networking integration (Facebook, Twitter, Google+, etc)
  • All yearly costs included for the first year
  • Includes everything you need to get online!

100% Custom Design & Coding Features

  • Made from scratch specifically for you (100% custom)
  • Multiple custom design options to choose from
  • Unlimited design revisions
  • NO design frameworks or templates used
  • Custom animated CSS rollover buttons and links
  • Custom PSD to HTML conversion
  • Custom HTML 5, CSS 3.0, PHP and JavaScript coding
  • Multiple custom icons files created

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Features

  • Drive traffic to your web site with standard Search Engine Optimization
  • Identify and target your custom SEO keywords and key-phrases
  • Custom META data added (keywords and description)
  • All page titles, links, etc optimized with targeted SEO keywords
  • For all pages on your web site

Technical Features

  • Technical support and help
  • Domain name of your choosing (or DNS change)
  • Web hosting (fast and reliable)
  • W3C markup validated HTML 5 and CSS 3.0 web site
  • Embeds (such as YouTube videos, Google Maps, Google AdSense, etc)
  • FREE automatic nightly backups of your site/data
  • Server is monitored 24/7/365 with 99.9% service uptime
  • Email addresses setup (example: [email protected])

Melbourne FL Web Design Company

100% Custom Website Melbourne FL Web Design Company: Custom Melbourne FL web design company. Get an amazing 100% custom designed Cocoa Beach FL website by experienced web designer located in Brevard County, FL