New Trade-Show Banner: AIT Medical

New Trade-Show Banner: AIT Medical

We have created a brand-new large trade-show banner for AIT Medical. This banner is huge, coming in at 20-feet wide by 7.4-feet high.

It was 100% custom designed by us in a vector format. The overall look and feel of the banner is very clean and highlights the medical video borescopes products they offer. Since this would be used for a trade-show background and viewed from a distance, we wanted to keep the design very minimalist and made sure that the text easily readable.

Their logo is prominently located in the upper-left corner and contact information with stylized icons in the upper-right corner. Below are several quotes from various organizations on torn sheets of paper explaining the importance of using a product such as theirs. Along the middle top and bottom are blue tabs which contains product heading details and useful information from the CDC. A blurry image in the background makes everything in the main design stand out more.

A local Brevard County, Florida company with offices in Melbourne, FL — Advanced Inspection Technologies (AIT) is the premier supplier of borescopes for inspecting lumens and channels found on surgical devices and endoscopes. They serve the sterile process department’s need to comply with industry recommendations to conduct a visual inspection of medical devices and their borescopes help prevent hospital-acquired infections (HAI).

So checkout this very cool large trade-show banner and let us know what you think of it.